
A fun website to create for an online sweet company. lots of creative social media marketing as well as great branding…

A fun branding and website to create – with lots of social media!

Well this is a bit more of an unusual one for the folks at Sokada. JaKiJuju (great name btw!) is an online shop, selling American sweets, Pick n Mix, some American chocolate as well as fizzy drinks! A lot of these products aren’t so easily available in the UK shops which makes it a bit more interesting. Plus an online shop is always fun to create!

The guys at JaKiJuju have lots of plans to take the business on a different and exciting route in the very near future, so watch this space! For now, they are focussing on supplying sweets to the UK market in a fun gifty” sort of way.

JJ slice

Do you like the branding?

The logo is a jelly bean! ✨

There are many American sweet companies out there and to be fair, most have the typical red, white and blue branding in their logo as well as on their website. JaKiJuju, however, have opted for different branding and have chosen more UK “Refresher” colouring – far more fun and there is loads you can do on Social Media with these colours! They won’t be supplying just American goodies, which is why they didn’t want the typical brand colours.

They are also trying to be as eco-conscious as possible, using paper bags, cardboard boxes as well as tissue and recycled paper.

Getting involved in the marketing of this company is great fun and it is always nice to try a few of the products!

What’s your favourite?

So what do you think? Do they have your favourite sweets in stock, or would you like something else to be sold on their website? Do you like a bonbon, a fizzy lace or perhaps something with peanut butter in? Why not get in touch with them…send them a DM on Instagram – they will always get back to you!

They sell American sweet bundles, as well as a great selection of pick n mix online. It is always nice to meet up with certain clients on a VERY regular basis!!

But for now, why not salivate at some of the fabulous sweets and other goodies on their website – not the healthiest, but certainly the most fun!

Get in touch

Would you like to chat with us about growing your business? Perhaps you need a new website, maybe some online marketing or even help with your social media – call us and we will give you honest advice as to how we think we could help you!