What’s New On Instagram 2023?

Instagram has been rolling out more and more new features, from Threads being the latest craze to newer features like celebrities adding you to groups. It makes us question What’s New on Instagram 2023?

What’s New on Instagram 2023? Recently IG has been rolling out more and more new features, from Threads being the latest craze to newer features like celebrities adding you to groups. It makes us question What’s New on Instagram 2023? on the daily! Since the end of 2022 Instagram has been none stop adding new features, some we didn’t even know about. 

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Scheduling, at last!

Did you know that at the end of last year, Instagram finally released its scheduling tool? This was something that users had been asking for for years and finally, they gave in. But why are some users only just finding out about it? It’s like one of those things you just had to accidentally stumble across. However, for business accounts, we can see how this would be incredibly useful. Instagram doesn’t like anyone using third-party apps as it is, so being able to schedule in the app is ideal! 

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Shh…Quiet Mode

Back in January Instagram rolled out the ‘Quiet Mode’ feature. This feature allows you to essentially put a do not disturb on your Instagram notifications, now obviously this is great if you just want some peace and quiet from your socials. But, this is also a really useful feature for businesses. Everyone is guilty of messages a business out of business hours and that’s fine but, at least this way you won’t be notified until the next morning when it turns off. We are in an era of learning to only work your hours and take time for yourself. This feature is perfect for it. Just head to settings and type ‘quiet mode’ in the search bar and it should pop up straight away.

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Photo and Reels Balanced at Last

Last year it was all about Reels and video content, static photos never left but they were certainly not getting much attention. With the massive increase in TikTok, video content was just doing better, was it boredom, the love of TikTok style vidoes or just plain trend following? Who knows but Reels had completely taken over. 2023 has shown that there is peace at last between the static photo and Reels battle. Instagram has finally removed Reels priority over images. It’s now a completely fair fight. 


Put your editing skills to the test!

Back in June Instagram completely revamped the way you edit your reels. We can all admit that the previous way of editing reels was pretty rubbish. It was so difficult to line text up, make transitions work and just generally make it look professional. That’s why most people headed over to other apps like CapCut to edit their videos. But, like we said previously Instagram hates it if you are using third-party apps on your posts. So what did they do, basically added all the key features from CapCut to Instagram reels. And it’s safe to say it’s working! 

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Try the new features out

So that is just a few of the newest features that Instagram has rolled out this year. Hopefully, we have answered the question of What’s New On Instagram 2023? Now go ahead and try the features and let us know how you get on. Please don’t hesitate to ask us any questions either via our contact on our Social Media platforms.