Think Heathfield. A brilliant platform for Local Businesses.

Think Heathfield has a great website showcasing all things local.
They can also be found on Facebook and Instagram.
Check it out today!

Think Heathfield was created with the support of local businesses. It was formed back in 2020 at the start of the Pandemic in order to show what Heathfield as a town can offer to the community. To also help local businesses and to promote the whole ethos around shopping locally and supporting the small local businesses,

You may have seen these dotted around the town, why not scan the QR code to see where it takes you?

From hairdressers to supermarkets – there are many businesses in the area – some of which you may not know even exist! 

Want to find out more?

Think Heathfield has a Facebook and Instagram page, both of which are updated regularly by the team at Sokada. The account posts a few times in a week – normally on Tuesdays and Thursdays but if they see anything else that is great, then they share that too!

Often, Instagram stories are uploaded during the days there are no new posts. If you’d like to use the Instagram story feature for your business and are not sure how, read more here.

From then on they are often liked and shared by many local residents. Look at this page if you want to know more about Heathfield’s small businesses and how they began!

Both accounts provide updates and information all about the local businesses and events.

Think Heathfield has got a very accessible website where all local businesses are linked – perfect if you are looking to stay local!


Heathfield truly is a small town, with great choice.