Pinning Is Winning…

Make sure you have covered all bases with your social media...

How Pinterest has evolved

Pinterest arrived back in 2010 and was the place where cooks, interior designers, and fashionistas flocked to. When you think about your business, I doubt Pinterest comes to mind right away when you’re considering your social media presence. However, there are now 175 million monthly active Pinterest users in 2017. That’s a lot of users! If that alone wasn’t enough to convince you to start using Pinterest for your business here are some facts that you may find extremely interesting:

– 87% of Pinners have purchased a product because of Pinterest

– 72% of Pinners use Pinterest to decide what to buy offline

– 93% of active Pinners said they use Pinterest to plan for purchase and 87% said they’ve purchased something because of Pinterest


So what can Pinterest do for you?

According to Marketing Manager Insider, “the half-life of a Facebook post is 90 minutes, while on Pinterest it’s 3.5 months. That means a single pin lasts approximately 1,680 times longer than a Facebook post.” Just think about this, that’s your content appearing in a Pinterest feed 4 or 5 months later than when it was posted! You wouldn’t get that anywhere else…

Now imagine… Someone pins your product, promo image or blog post to their profile. Another repins that content, and another, and another, and so on. By the end of the day you’ve had 20 – 40 repins. That’s a lot of sharing of your brand. Your content has now been pinned here there and everywhere, and will stay around indefinitely.

The result? Increased brand awareness, increased blog traffic, increased lead generation and, yeh you guess it, increased sales!

What do you need to get started?

A business account of course!

Once you’ve set up your business account, you need to start creating boards based on your company’s interests, products and services. This helps to generate awareness of your brands offering by placing visuals in front of those who are actively seeking related content, products or services.

The key and most important bit of information you need to remember when you upload your content is to link each pin to a relevant blog or section of your website. Whenever anyone now clicks on the image, they will then be taken directly to the product or piece of content on your website. The added bonus of this is whenever someone else then repins or shares your content the original link remains. Just think about all that content sharing!

After a few pins it’s worth keeping an eye on Pinterest’s fab built-in analytics function. Here you can track your successes and failures, (hopefully more of the former), through daily impressions, viewers, average monthly viewers, and post engagement.

And what’s more

Just like many of the other social media platforms, you can also promote posts through ads on Pinterest to reach more people. Your content is promoted across the platform’s feeds. Pinterest charges per 1000 impressions on pins and ad options available include awareness, engagement or traffic, therefore the world is your oyster in terms of promoting your content. The other great thing is that you can check out your ad results too…

Now that’s just a little titbit to get your started… If we’ve convinced you that Pinterest is the way forward for your business but you’re not sure where to start in terms of content, then give us a call on 01435 817226 or drop us an email and we can give you some guidance on how to get started!