The Importance of Networking

Get your name out there as the "go to guy"and then people will come to you...

Why Network?

As a small business, it is vital that your brand is getting as much coverage as possible. You need to know that other local businesses a: know about you and b. know what you can do to help their business grow. Networking is a great way to do this as it puts you directly in front of many potential customers. As soon as you bag your first customer it will really prove the importance of networking!

A lot of Sokada’s business comes from networking. It works perfectly, as we can connect with many local businesses, building a network of people who may be able to take advantage of the tools we have in our arsenal for business growth. And it can also be an ongoing cycle – we work well with one business, they will hopefully refer us to other local businesses. One opportunity will definitely lead to others; exciting times!

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Shared Knowledge

It is also about shared knowledge. One thing we love to do at Sokada is help other businesses grow. And the customers we have worked with on both their websites as well as ongoing SEO, will vouch for us (we hope!). By networking within an effective group, you can get feedback on your work, share information as well as seeing things from a different perspective. Current legislations can also be shared, such as GDPR, SSL certificates, health and safety etc etc. Find out lots of ways to help your own business, by everyone helping each other.

Give Something Away

Make an offer to your fellow networkers. Give something away for free, to show you are an expert in your field. If people try you and you are good, then they will use you again, or refer you to someone else who needs your services.

Be the “Go To Guy”

Grow connections within a networking group – but see who they know too! Get your name out there as the “go to guy”and then people will come to you. They will start to know who you are, recognise your skills and you will receive increased credibility in your specialty.

Meet new people, grow in confidence and realise you ARE good at what you do, you CAN stand up in front of 20+ people and you WILL push yourself more in business.

If you are looking to connect with new customers by networking, you may have to have a few early morning starts, but if you pick a good group then it is so worthwhile and really proves the importance of networking.

If you are local to us and would like to start networking with other like minded people then please get in touch.