After the most amazing fun-filled nearly 2 years at Sokada it is time for me to start a new adventure. Today is my last day as an Online Marketing executive, personality hire, team entertainment and chattiest office worker at Sokada! In the coming weeks, I have some huge exciting life changes coming my way, starting a new job role and moving into my first apartment with friends.
My new adventure brings me so much excitement, but with the butterflies unfortunately comes the goodbyes to one of the best teams I’ve ever worked with. I have made friendships of a lifetime and a bond with my colleagues that will continue for many years. I have taken a role in the company Brewers as a Social Media Editor. This role will expand my love for socials and also offer a path to even more opportunities. I have learnt so much: fantastic people skills from Julian, wonderful marketing and analytical skills from Jude, confidence in being myself from Charlie, not to take myself to seriously from Stephen and to always embrace my inner child from Seb.
Watching the business go from strength to strength and gain more and more clientele is wonderful. Being given new challenges each day has made me enjoy my job even more and made realise that I’m capable of anything!

I would like to thank everyone at Sokada for creating a dynamic that is truly unmatched, a team that many would dream to be a part of. I would also like to thank Jude and Julian for taking me on when they weren’t actively looking, this company made me fall back in love with marketing after a tricky start to 2023. I also would like to say, to the new hire, you are about to join the most wonderful workplace, full of love, support and laughter! Something I can only hope for in my new work environment.
And to all my wonderful team, i’ll be staying in touch all the time, you cant get rid of me that easily!